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Livestock breeding fans provide a comfortable environment for livestock and poultry
- 2019-11-07-

Ventilation of the house is an environmental control method. Ventilation is an important part of the heat protection measures of the house. By increasing the ventilation, the heat generated in the house can be discharged to avoid accumulation in the house, resulting in an increase in the temperature of the house. The faster the airflow rate, the more comfortable the air in the house, which can alleviate the adverse effects of high temperature on the flock. Ventilation refers to the introduction of fresh air outside the house, the discharge of dirty air in the house, and improvement in the house. Air quality.

It is recommended to install livestock breeding fans (fans) to increase indoor wind speed, increase indoor average wind speed, accelerate indoor heat removal, and ensure ventilation. When necessary, proper use of the wet curtain can not only ventilate, but also reduce the temperature quickly.

Pig farm ventilation

The purpose of the ventilation of the pig farm is to make the pig feel comfortable at high temperature and reduce the adverse effects of high temperature on the pig. Secondly, when the pigsty is closed, the ventilation can discharge the dirty air in the pigsty and introduce fresh air outside the pig pen to improve the air quality. . Proper ventilation in the pens should provide greater ventilation during the summer and appropriate low ventilation during the winter. During the high temperature season, indoor ventilation can make the indoor temperature not higher than the outdoor temperature by evaporative cooling, and the cooling effect is good. In addition, livestock breeding fans can reduce indoor humidity, so as to avoid the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, discharge indoor harmful gases, keep indoor air fresh, and benefit the health of piglets. According to reports, when the concentration of harmful gases in the pigsty is high, the weight gain of the piglets is slowed down, and the decrease in feed utilization rate indicates that as the ammonia nitrogen concentration in the pig house increases, the daily weight gain decreases, and the feed-to-meat ratio increases with the ammonia nitrogen concentration of the pig house. Increase and increase. At the same time, high concentrations of ammonia can cause disease.

Greenhouse ventilation

Ventilation has many functions for greenhouse vegetables and plants, such as cooling, dehumidification, conditioning and supplementing carbon dioxide, and removing harmful gases. In most parts of China, the summer climate is hot and the outdoor temperature is above 30 °C. Due to the greenhouse effect, the temperature in the greenhouse easily exceeds 40 °C. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt cooling measures to ensure normal production in the greenhouse.

There are two ways to ventilate and cool down, one is natural ventilation and the other is forced ventilation. Natural ventilation is greatly affected by the external climate, the cooling effect is unstable, and the indoor temperature is 5~10 °C higher than the outdoor temperature. Forced ventilation is to set up a side window at one end of the greenhouse, and a fan fan is arranged at the other end to discharge indoor air to the outside, so that a negative pressure is generated in the room to force air to enter the greenhouse through the side window, and is discharged from the outdoor through the greenhouse through the livestock breeding fan.

The fan blades of the livestock breeding fan are distorted in shape. Compared with the four-leaf T35 and the six-leaf T40, the pressure, flow, efficiency and voice performance of the eight blades are improved.